In dialogue with Ignacio Vicens y Hualde
di Arian Heidari Afshari

The book does not claim to provide the readers a remedy or manifesto for designing or teaching the so-called "Architecture project." Instead, it tries to combine the soundness of architectural debate culture with the freshness of critical thinking in Architectural design for its readers in times of uncertainty to read between the lines with eyes unclouded and get the complexity of such practice of designing and teaching.
And it hopes to be a humble guide for students, teachers, and thinkers of Architecture to better appreciate the depth and richness of the architectural design process, gain their own ground of critical thinking, and stand it firmly in the contemporary crisis and the ones to come!
Arian Heidari Afshari
(Kerman, 1984) is an Iranian Milan-based architect who received his Ph.D. in architecture, urban and interior design from the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Since 2018, he has been an adjunct professor of Architecture and urban design and theory in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Construction Engineering (AUIC) at Politecnico di Milano. He is a former teaching fellow (2015-2016) and a regular visiting researcher at CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India. He was a visiting scholar at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2019 and at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2021. Arian Heidari Afshari is the author of Sprawlification, a new method to analyze peri-urban landscapes (Maggioli Editore, 2021), and co-author of Mapping Sprawl: a Critique of Graphic Methods of Urban Analysis (Maggioli Editore, 2018), with Richard Ingersoll.
It is a small book born out of Arian Heidari Afshari’s academic dialogue in written format with Ignacio Vicens y Hualde from Madrid (visiting Prof. of AUIC, Politecnico di Milano, since 2014).
The book does not claim to provide the readers a remedy or manifesto for designing or teaching the so-called "Architecture project." Instead, it tries to combine the soundness of architectural debate culture with the freshness of critical thinking in Architectural design for its readers in times of uncertainty to read between the lines with eyes unclouded and get the complexity of such practice of designing and teaching.
And it hopes to be a humble guide for students, teachers, and thinkers of Architecture to better appreciate the depth and richness of the architectural design process, gain their own ground of critical thinking, and stand it firmly in the contemporary crisis and the ones to come!
Arian Heidari Afshari
(Kerman, 1984) is an Iranian Milan-based architect who received his Ph.D. in architecture, urban and interior design from the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Since 2018, he has been an adjunct professor of Architecture and urban design and theory in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Construction Engineering (AUIC) at Politecnico di Milano. He is a former teaching fellow (2015-2016) and a regular visiting researcher at CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India. He was a visiting scholar at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2019 and at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2021. Arian Heidari Afshari is the author of Sprawlification, a new method to analyze peri-urban landscapes (Maggioli Editore, 2021), and co-author of Mapping Sprawl: a Critique of Graphic Methods of Urban Analysis (Maggioli Editore, 2018), with Richard Ingersoll.
Pagine | 132 |
Data pubblicazione | Aprile 2022 |
Data ristampa | |
ISBN | 8891655837 |
ean | 9788891655837 |
Tipologia prodotto | Cartaceo |
Sottotitolo | In dialogue with Ignacio Vicens y Hualde |
Collana | Politecnica |
Editore | Maggioli Editore |
Dimensione | 12x18 |