Planning for Accessibility and Safety - eBook in pdf
di Silvia Rossetti
The volume stems from the evidence that today’s cities highly depend on mobility and deals with the inextricable link between urban and transport planning, focusing on Accessibility and Road Safety.
Accessibility planning is mainly conceived as a solution to better integrate land uses with the transport system, satisfying people's expectations to easily reach the opportunities they wish to engage in. Road Safety, that represent a significant public health and economic problem, is also highly influenced by the urban form, and should be addressed using a system-wide planning approach.
Accessibility and safety are deeply intertwined and complementary issues: accessibility should incorporate safety, to ensure that destinations are safely accessible by the users.
On the other hand, accessibility enhancing strategies can contribute to limiting the exposure to road accidents risk by providing alternatives to car use to reach the desired activities.
Therefore, having in mind that when talking about accessibility and safety in mobility there are three factors that interact with each other (road users, vehicles, and the urban environment), the volume presents three possible techniques to better address accessibility and safety in our cities: opinion surveys, GIS-based accessibility maps and in-field inspections.
Silvia Rossetti
Engineer and PhD, she is currently Assistant Professor in Urban Planning at the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Parma, where she lectures ‘Urban and Sustainable Planning’ and ‘City, Landscape and Regional Analyses’. Her research interests include Geographic Information Systems, Analysis of urban systems, Integration between urban planning and mobility, Accessibility and Road Safety.
Foreword by Michela Tiboni
Civil Engineer, Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning at the DICATAM Department of the University of Brescia, PhD in Town planning technique at the Polytechnic of Milan. Her main fields of research include Land-use dynamics and environmental hazards, Evaluation of plan previews for a safe and sustainable town, Urban policies and techniques towards a safer town. Since 2013 she is urban planning councillor of the City of Brescia.
Theoretical framework and research methodologies to address people friendly mobility
Pagine | 206 |
Data pubblicazione | Settembre 2020 |
Data ristampa | |
Autori | Silvia Rossetti |
ISBN | 8891643117 |
ean | 9788891643117 |
Tipologia prodotto | Ebook |
Collana | Politecnica |
Editore | Maggioli Editore |