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Research Innovation and Internationalisation

National and international experiences between identity and inclusivity
di Marcello Balzani, Stefano Bertocci, Federica Maietti, Luca Rossato
ISBN 8891671158
Data pubblicazione Aprile 2024
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During the Restoration and Cultural Heritage Days held in Ferrara on the 29th March 2023, it was organized the fth edition of the Unione Italiana Disegno UID (Italian Association for Drawing) Symposium dedicated to the internationalisation and innovation of research entitled: “National and international experiences between identity and inclusivity”. The aim of the Symposium was to put together research experiences related to international strategies and to introduce the innovation roadmap on some specic topics at the centre of the current ICAR/17 disciplinary debate, as an outcome of the work of the “International relationships” and “Innovation” UID Committees.

The 2023 Symposium was focused on research, technology transfer, outcomes and processes from dierent approaches to the heritage documentation and digital data management at dierent scales, by comparing national and international experiences.

The fteen contributions described by this book of proceedings explore dierent topics, all of them related to the concept of “identity” and to dierent approaches to “inclusivity” of Cultural Heritage, by exploring new ways to make assets more and more accessible, understandable and knowledgeable. Dierent dimensions of innovation and/or internationalisation run through all the works collected.

Marcello Balzani
Architetect, PhD, Full Professor (ICAR/17) at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara in Italy. Since January 2006 he is the Director of the DIAPReM centre (Development of Integrated Automatic Procedures for Restoration of Monuments). He was scientic responsible for several national and international research projects and his activities took place in various important world archaeological sites, in monumental contexts and in relation to several small centres in many regions of the Italian peninsula. He has developed restoration and urban regeneration projects in several Italian historical centres. He is a member of the Italian Union for Drawing, of the National Institute for Urban Planning, of ICOMOS and of the Focus Area Cultural Heritage, Horizontal Issue Archaeology. Since March 2010 he is scientic director of TekneHub and Scientic Coordinator for the Construction Platform of Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network.

Federica Maietti
Architect, PhD, Associate Professor (ICAR/17) at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, and board member of the DIAPReM Centre. Her interdisciplinary research is focused on heritage survey and representation for knowledge, enhancement and conservation through digital technologies. In this area she experimented applications in dierent contexts, including Pompeii, Malta, Brazil, India, and Mexico, and being responsible of survey projects on small historical centres for documentation and diagnostic assessment. She is involved in several national, European and international research activities. She has been the Technical Coordinator of the H2020 project “Inception - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling”. She is a member of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), REAACH - Representation Advances And Challenges Association, and ICOMOS - National Scientic Committee CIPA-HD for Heritage Documentation.

Stefano Bertocci
Architetect, PhD, Full Professor (ICAR /17) at the Department of Architecture, University of Florence , Italy, where he teaches Architectural Survey in the Bachelor of Architecture and Design, Graduate School and Doctoral School of Architecture. He managed numerous researches related to the opportunities oered by 3D digital survey and remote sensing in the eld of archaeology, architecture and urban planning of Historic Centers. He is the author of numerous scientic publications on the issues of redevelopment of historic centers and UNESCO heritage sites. He has been interested in numerous buildings of monumental character in Florence, Italy and abroad from the point of view of scientic investigation aimed at documentation and conservation. Major works include research on wooden architecture in Russia and Northern Europe and investigations of various archaeological sites in the Middle East (including the Crusader fortresses of Petra in Jordan and the fortress of Masada in Israel).

Luca Rossato
Architetect, PhD, Assistant Professor RTDb (ICAR / 17) at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, in Italy. His areas of investigation are both the vernacular and modern architecture documentation, representation, and enhancement. In these leds he was project coordinator for the DIAPReM centre activities in India and Brazil. He was visiting professor at Ponticia Universidade Catolica do Paranà (Curitiba, Brazil), CEPT University (Ahmedabad, India), Mackenzie University (São Paulo, Brazil) and at Burgundy School of Business (Dijon, France). Since 2021 he’s the scientic director of the international network I N S I D E Modern Heritage. He’s deeply involved in publication elds and he’s been member of editorial sta for “Paesaggio Urbano” scientic journal and author and co-author of more than 150 publications. He is a member of ICOMOS National Scientic Committee CIPA-HD for Heritage Documentation and Italian Union for Drawing (UID).

Pagine 208
Data pubblicazione Aprile 2024
Data ristampa
ISBN 8891671158
ean 9788891671158
Tipologia prodotto Cartaceo
Sottotitolo National and international experiences between identity and inclusivity
Collana I fuori collana
Editore Maggioli Editore
Dimensione 17x24
Marcello Balzani, Stefano Bertocci, Federica Maietti, Luca Rossato

Marcello Balzani
Stefano Bertocci

Marcello Balzani, Stefano Bertocci, Federica Maieti, Luca Rossato

Preserving Living Heritage. Digital Transformation of Cultural Elements within Museums
Giuseppe Amoruso
Digital documentation for the metric calculation of vaulted surfaces
Carlo Batini, Gianfranco Romandetti
HBIM procedures for the integration of sensor data
Stefano Brusaporci, Pamela Maiezza, Adriana Marra, Alessandra Tata, Luca Vespasiano
Digital Technologies for Modelling and Management in Medical and Healthcare Facilities
Andrea Sias, Michele Valentino, Enrico Cicalò
Inheriting the Present: Knowledge and Project in SNAI’s Heritage in Basilicata
Antonio Conte, Marianna Calia, Rossella Laera, Roberto Pedone
Subversive image between neuroscience and critical design
Maria Linda Falcidieno, Enrica Bistagnino, Gaia Leandri, Valeria Piras, Maria Elisabetta Ruggiero, Ruggero Torti
Knowledge and management in digital transition: BIM operating models for cultural heritage
Laura Farroni, Francesca Ferrara
The role of visual language between Multiculturalism and Cultural Heritage
Elena Ippoliti, Leonardo Baglioni, Laura Farroni, Matteo Flavio Mancini, Leonardo Paris, Michele Russo, Noemi Tomasella
The SOAB Project: from knowledge transfer to a new communication model for the restoration of Lebanese heritage
Laura Baratin, Francesca Gasparetto, Veronica Tronconi
Digital Survey for the Restoration Project, Al-Raabiya Mosque in Mosul
Stefano Bertocci, Matteo Bigongiari
Mapping the European Franciscan Observance: an innovative and international research experience
Maria Soler Sala, Marc Ferrer, Federico Cioli, Anastasia Cottini
SILEPARQ 2023. The survey of San Pedro Claver in Cartagena de Indias
Alma Benitez Calle, Stefano Bertocci, Sara Brescia, Caterina Borrelli, Valentina Castagnolo, Anna Dell’Amico, Teresa Della Corte, Roberta Ferretti, Gabriella Guida, Roberto Lembo, Massimo Leserri, Anna Christiana Maiorano, Gabriele Rossi, Johan Sebastian Wilches Rivera, Ricardo Zabaleta Puello
DAB Lab CUPRUM PROJECT. Development of a new technological Digital Architecture Laboratory (DAB Lab), in Gdańsk University of Technology
Sandro Parrinello, Justyna Borucka, Jakub Szczepański
To know and to design in fragile landscapes for heritage and communities’ health
Marianna Calia, Antonio Conte, Paola Puma, Antonella Trombadore
Classification and systematisation of digital documentation
Martina Suppa, Gabriele Giau, Dario Rizzi, Fabio Planu, Greta Montanari

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