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Where Does Light Move To" Lighting Design Innovation Scenarios

di Maurizio Rossi
ISBN 8838743584
Data pubblicazione Aprile 2009
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The tenth edition of the International Convention of University Courses in Design "Designing Designers 2009: Where Does Light Move To" Lighting Design Innovation Scenarios", scheduled on the occasion of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile and of Euroluce, the International Lighting Exhibition, which take place in Milan from 22 to 27 April 2009, focus on the theme of lighting. This theme has been chosen with the intention of highlighting the ongoing changes which influence the Lighting Design scene, through its procedural methodological, cultural and technical-operational modes within new international settings. The above finds effective background evidence in Euroluce in particular, dedicated as it is to light-ing products, which Cosmit hosts every second year within the broader trade fair iSaloni, whose main sectors of display are Furniture and Design. For ten years Designing Designers has been an international platform of encounter, exchange and discussion upon the university and artistic education of Designers-to-be,through the presentation of learning activities, research papers, projects and experiences. Designing Designers 2009 offers the mentioned debate concerning university and artistic training the chance to befurther opened to interface with the professional world and with the lighting industry. From recent times on, the availability of new tools, vanguard methodolo-gies, updated sources and freshknowledge on the effects of lighting on human beings, has been opening unprecedented possibilitiesfor the planning development of products, installations and artistic and communicational experiences inwhich art ificial light is the fundamental end and mean, that from primary good can go on to take theform of scenographic and artistic experience.The main themes that the convention wishes to delve into are the following: LED for lighting - Design of new products, new installations and new lighting experiences which also makeuse of LED sources.Lighting for wellness - Design of interior lighting products, installations, new research, outcomes pertaining to the ways in which lighting can improve quality of life in human be-ings. Sustainable lighting and energy saving - The way in which Lighting Design faces up to the growinglypressing problem of sustainability, with regard to products, installations, integration with natural lightand energy saving. Lighting art and urban design - Lighting for art, Design and Archi-tecture in public, urban and demarcatedareas. cultural and communicational experiences in which light is the perceptual end and mean aimedat human beings.Designing Designers is a Cosmit spa initiative organisey Fondazione Cosmit Eventi. promoted by theFacoltà del Design of the Politecnico di Milano in conjunction with Federlegno-Arredo.

International Conference of University. Curses in Design 2009

Pagine 206
Data pubblicazione Aprile 2009
Data ristampa
Autori Maurizio Rossi
ISBN 8838743584
ean 9788838743580
Tipologia prodotto Cartaceo
Collana I fuori collana
Editore Maggioli Editore
Maurizio Rossi
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